Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Considerable time?

Moral: Wherein we react, after news.

Ah, the goo-goo, coo-coo talking keeps going. Oh, the Fed has to continue to soothe the little ones (actually, overgrown idiots) who cannot go without their training wheels.

Imagine. If the Fed dropped those two words, thinks Janet (and her buddies - with two dissenting votes), the market vultures would panic and fly away from the lifeless bodies of the savers.

Yes. Is Janet afraid that those who are sucking the loudest would fear that a weaning moment loomed and would cry for help? Don't want that. Keep the addicts happy with their spiked punch.

Mixing all sorts of metaphors? Sure. But, then, who would have thought that we could have come to all of this just because the financial types just had to crash the system with their gaming the system, get bailed (as they expected) out over such a long period of time, and then fling mud in the face of those who cleaned up their diapers?

Wait! Of course, the Fed is of that ilk. And, it's mere playing with fiat money (and two funny controls); albeit, real people are getting hurt (at least, a couple of good-heart'd humans voted for some constraint to be put on the partying pigs).


So, the flaying will continue (for a "considerable time"). Those savers who are still alive will have to stay hunkered as the chimera bubbles.

At some point, we ought to consider this type of thing (slapping of the face, flaying to the bone) to be a desecration of the dead (the landscape is scattered with savers who have been flayed to the bone) - has our society come to accepting that?

Remarks:  Modified: 10/09/2014

09/30/2014 -- So, now, Evans is talking. Great, guy. Keep the markets roaring in their frenzy. How is that to have an effect on employment? You know the game? Finances churn; each tick sucks money from the pockets of the hapless to that of the fat cats? This, the FED has encouraged for years now. Sustainable? You really think? Ever heard of savers? You ought to have come to the bank the other day when I was further flayed, slapped silly, and downright abused. 0.01% was their offer. ... Now, let's look at the ca-pital-sino (you still awake, Evans?). It's floating. The talking heads tout 401K uprisings. Pure imaginary gains. Why? The system (of which you, Evans, are a part) sucks out the value. This is some epitome of an advanced society? ... At least, all of that (this comment, until now) was written without Yellen ever being mentioned. Definitely, a great diversionary scheme (many senses).

10/09/2014 -- Tiptoeing to avoid a taper tantrum. This time, it would be mommy, rather than daddy, who started psychic meltdown. Ah, the poor lil ones.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Capitalism and slavery

Moral: Wherein we consider a book review.

The WSJ, recently, had a review of E. E. Baptist's book: The Half Has Never Been Told. This look by Baptist rang true several ways. For one, lots of those who were heavy into slavery were out of the upper classes (even royal families) of the UK (Lords and Serfs -- from 2009, but still apropos even though it needs an update).

You see, the capitalist wants to keep all monies for th upper classes. Workers are assumed to be mere resources available for exploitation (even if found via out-housing). We are still waiting for some type of humanistic, univeralistic capitalism to emerge; as we see with the results of the FED's largess, ca-pital-sino is what we have.


Slavery allowed severely unpaid labor on this side of the big pond. In the South. While in New England, there may have been attempts to establish slavery which never took hold. Superior moral character (not that they did have their own problems)?

So, let's just use a quote from the review:
    In the 1850s, the slave-based economy experienced a dramatic resurgence when a new wave of "Negro fever" doubled the price of slaves in relation to that of other goods. On the cusp of the Civil War, slavery showed no sign of dying a natural death, except in parts of Maryland and Delaware. Slavery remained, Mr. Baptist says, "both modernizing and modern" and its growth "muscular, dynamic."
    In his January 1861 State of the Union address, the pro-Southern president, James Buchanan, spent less time addressing the secession crisis in South Carolina than he did expressing his hope of acquiring Cuba for the United States—a longtime goal of slave owners and investors who saw it as the best opportunity for extending the reach of American slavery. Only civil war and hundreds of thousands of lives would finally put an end to the lucrative partnership between the cruel machine of Southern slavery and the roaring engines of capitalism.

For many workers, their job experience can border on slavery. Then, when the push for loading up debt (40 million in the U.S. now shackled with educational debt, now?) is added in, one has to consider just much onerous debt is a form of slavery.

Most ought to be able to relate to the mental, and physical, strains associated with having such a ball and chain (perhaps, plural) with which to cope on a daily basis.

Remarks:  Modified: 09/11/2014

09/11/2014 --