Sunday, April 3, 2016


Moral: Wherein we wonder about the morale of the savers (poor dears).

Janet is coddling the jerks. That is, these guys handle billions (trillions). They play games all day with other people's money. Live high on the hog.

Yet, they tantrum'd when Ben merely mentioned taper. Janet continues that kid-gloves treatment.


This is a real brief look.

However, going back to the beginning, say 2006, we can come forward and note some lessons learned. We saw it better than Ben. We are of the savers who have been flayed.

Just last week, I went and was slapped silly again. The banker telling me that they don't want deposits. You see, they're not really banks anymore.

Janet ought to bounce up to 2%, quickly. Forget the little baby steps that she and the Fed talked about last year. Then, they reneged this year.

And, what have we now? 18K is way to high for the DOW. Oh yes, I know. The whole thrust is to have someone like me go into that silly game. Who will bail me out when the suckers pull out all of the value?


There could be links here on all of these topics, but I have been ranting along this line for awhile. With reason and a rationale.

The Fed and its ilk need to be thinking of some type of platform that would allow more stable value'd looks than this market thing (Adam rolls over in his grave, continually). Somehow, the money'd crowd got their way. I don't know of academics who want to see stability.

That is because no one (elites, okay?) has really been done down here where we get slapped around all the time. But, the economy is for us, too. Actually, it is more for us. We are millions. Janet, you and your crowd, are a very small minority.


Stable value. Yes. You float a bond. Then you pay the holder some bit of interest. Not talking a lot. Enough of these would then be sufficient for some little person to have a future.

Forget the big names and brains, like Jamie and all of the rest mentioned here.

The use of computers to play financial games is one symptom of deep problems. Yes. I can talk that.

How about taking that power and applying it to tracking stock? Yes, each one an entity. Who bought, sold, etc. Oh, get rid of the magical multiplier? You bet.


Enough, for now. I'm coming back to work here and will lay out the strategy. I'm old. Janet will probably still have no interest during my final years. But, I'll describe how it could be, if those whose input to the whole situation has been warping things for years were constrained, seriously, like to a sandbox with diapers. Then, the mess that we have to clean up would be smaller.

Yes, we changed their diapers and are still dealing with their crap.

Remarks: Modified: 04/02/2016

04/02/2016 --

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